Fastest Known Times
Fastest Known Time (FKT)
The Log Driver's Waltz is a route, not a race. It was designed to showcase the region. It is up to you how fast you pass through this beautiful landscape. As is common with other bikepacking routes some riders will want to see how fast they can ride the route. If you are trying to set a personal record or a new FKT it is expected that you respect other users on shared pathways and forest trails. FKT is the elapsed time and includes stops. If you decide to "race" the route you do so entirely at your own risk. FKT riders must register with Trackleaders.
To show on the finish results on , you must be registered with Trackleaders. The Log Driver's Waltz website does not tabulate or publish results other than record the FKT times.
Riders who are riding for an FKT or who are riding fast and want to compare their times with others should register on Trackleaders. This ensures that every rider has equal opportunity see where all the other riders are. It levels the playing field for those wanting to compare themselves against others.
Note: All riders who complete a route or a portion of one are eligible to submit their time and distance for a Gold, Silver or Bronze award. Please submit your time and a photo (Ideally with James Naismith). There is no requirement to be on Trackleaders to have your photo on the webpage. Times are on your honour.
Fastest Known Time (FKT) Categories
Riders who are attempting a "Fastest Known Time" (FKT) start at the same time as other riders but must complete the ride as a solo effort. All the other rules below apply.
Pairs are able to share resources, draft and otherwise support each other. Riders should stay together. Time is based on the last of the pair to arrive. All the other rules below apply.
Single Speed:
Ride a bike with a single gear. Gear ratio must remain the same for entire ride.
We'll add this category if there is interest.
We'll add this as well, if requested!
Wow! J’ai adoré cette dose de saine compétitivité que Trackleaders m’a apportée (...) Le fait de savoir que mon entourage me suivait et m’encourageait a aussi fait la différence dans ma motivation à donner tout ce que j’avais…surtout les 70 derniers kilomètres!
(Wow! I loved this dose of healthy competition that Trackleaders brought me (...) The fact of knowing that my supporters were following me and encouraging me also made the difference in my motivation to give everything I had…especially the last 70 kilometres!)
Marie-Pierre Savard, 2022 First Woman and Grand Depart FKT 3d 15h 41min
The Log Driver's Waltz is a route, not a race. It was designed to showcase the region. It is up to you how fast you pass through this beautiful landscape. As is common with other bikepacking routes some riders will want to see how fast they can ride the route. If you are trying to set a personal record or a new FKT it is expected that you respect other users on shared pathways and forest trails. FKT is the elapsed time and includes stops. If you decide to "race" the route you do so entirely at your own risk. FKT riders must register with Trackleaders.
To show on the finish results on , you must be registered with Trackleaders. The Log Driver's Waltz website does not tabulate or publish results other than record the FKT times.
Riders who are riding for an FKT or who are riding fast and want to compare their times with others should register on Trackleaders. This ensures that every rider has equal opportunity see where all the other riders are. It levels the playing field for those wanting to compare themselves against others.
Note: All riders who complete a route or a portion of one are eligible to submit their time and distance for a Gold, Silver or Bronze award. Please submit your time and a photo (Ideally with James Naismith). There is no requirement to be on Trackleaders to have your photo on the webpage. Times are on your honour.
Fastest Known Time (FKT) Categories
Riders who are attempting a "Fastest Known Time" (FKT) start at the same time as other riders but must complete the ride as a solo effort. All the other rules below apply.
Pairs are able to share resources, draft and otherwise support each other. Riders should stay together. Time is based on the last of the pair to arrive. All the other rules below apply.
Single Speed:
Ride a bike with a single gear. Gear ratio must remain the same for entire ride.
We'll add this category if there is interest.
We'll add this as well, if requested!
Wow! J’ai adoré cette dose de saine compétitivité que Trackleaders m’a apportée (...) Le fait de savoir que mon entourage me suivait et m’encourageait a aussi fait la différence dans ma motivation à donner tout ce que j’avais…surtout les 70 derniers kilomètres!
(Wow! I loved this dose of healthy competition that Trackleaders brought me (...) The fact of knowing that my supporters were following me and encouraging me also made the difference in my motivation to give everything I had…especially the last 70 kilometres!)
Marie-Pierre Savard, 2022 First Woman and Grand Depart FKT 3d 15h 41min
FKT Records

Women's FKT: Geared
Meaghan Hackinen,
Kelowna, BC
43 h 33 min
ITT: Start in Wakefield
June 23-24, 2023
Meaghan Hackinen,
Kelowna, BC
43 h 33 min
ITT: Start in Wakefield
June 23-24, 2023

All Time and Men's FKT: Geared
Shane Kramer
Lewis, NY
40 h 56min,
2024 Grand Depart
Shane Kramer
Lewis, NY
40 h 56min,
2024 Grand Depart

Women's FKT: Single Speed
Sarah Caylor
69 h 50 min
2023 Grand Depart
Sarah Caylor
69 h 50 min
2023 Grand Depart

Men's FKT: Single Speed
Spencer Gough
52 h 48 min
2024 Grand Depart
Spencer Gough
52 h 48 min
2024 Grand Depart

Pairs FKT
Jeff Hehn & Sarah Robbins
80 h 48 min
2024 Grand Depart
Jeff Hehn & Sarah Robbins
80 h 48 min
2024 Grand Depart
FKTs by Year
2024 Grand Depart
Men (geared): Shane Kramer 40 h 56min
Women (geared): Robin Hughes 67 hours 32 min
Men (single speed): Spencer Gough 52 h 48 min
Pairs: Jeff Hehn and Sarah Robbins 80h 48 min
2023 Grand Depart
Men (geared): Eric Moisan 2 days 5 hours 38 min
Women (geared): Christina Vietinghoff 2 days 11 hours 40 min
Women (single speed): Sarah Caylor 2 days 21 hours 50 min
Men (single speed): Daniel Jordan 3 days 4 hours 44 min
General Rules for Bikepacking
1. Be self supported.
2. Follow the route.
3. Be nice. :-)
4. Have fun!
In addition to the General Rules there are specific "Rules" for FKTs on the Log Driver's Waltz:
These "rules" are based on the honour principle. They are intended to provide a "level playing field" for those interested in comparing their performance to others or to themselves over multiple attempts. Each rider should determine for themselves when it is prudent to follow them based on their assessment of their ability and the conditions on the route. Riders who deviate from one or more of these rules should report the situation to [email protected] and may receive and asterix (*) beside their time.
Do not put yourself or others in danger in order to follow the rules. Your health and safety is your number one priority.
By using the resources found on this site you agree to the following:
1. Be self supported.
2. Follow the route.
3. Be nice. :-)
4. Have fun!
- Be safe and take sole responsibility for your navigation and well being. Some parts of this route are rough and remote, with minimal services during long stretches. Rest and sleep as necessary to remain fresh and alert.
- When riding, follow rules of the road.
- Agree to not engage in dangerous or risky behaviours and if you observe other riders performing such acts to discourage them.
- Store food and other animal attractants appropriately.
- Carry sufficient food and water to reach next resupply.
- Carrying a Tracker device (Spot, InReach) for emergency communication is highly recommended. Riders bear the responsibility for covering any and all costs that may be incurred if they require extraction.
- Flashing (blinking) lights, reflective gear and light coloured clothing, i.e., reflective vests, to make riders more visible are highly recommended. Bikes should be outfitted with lights for riding in the dusk, night or dawn. It is the rider's responsibility to ensure they comply with all applicable laws on this matter.
- Always wear proper safety gear when cycling, including a CPSC certified helmet in good condition.
- Abide by all local, provincial and federal laws.
- On trails and shared pathways be courteous and yield to other users (hikers, walkers, runners, uphill bikers, equestrians, etc.)
- COVID 19/AIR QUALITY and other hazards: Before and during your ride it is your responsibility to educate yourself about current health guidelines, vaccination requirements, proof of vaccination, etc., in all applicable health units/regions in both provinces and to follow them.
- No "sag wagons" or following vehicles as this is not in the spirit of "self supported".
- Services along the route are fair game; hotels and other accommodation, restaurants, pubs and stores are all available for use. Camping options both primitive and at campgrounds, and other accommodation options can be found on the RWGPS map and supplemented with your own research. Note: due to the after effects of Covid the hours/days of operation of some establishments may have changed.
- "Good Samaritan": Unplanned assistance from other riders, especially as related to safety is permitted.
- This ride and route rely on the goodwill of the many communities along the way. Please be kind and respectful of private property and generous with your support of local businesses.
- Leave No Trace. This route goes through communities and wilderness areas, please respect all areas of the route and leave it as you found it (or better!). If you packed it in, pack it out. More information on "Leave No Trace":
In addition to the General Rules there are specific "Rules" for FKTs on the Log Driver's Waltz:
These "rules" are based on the honour principle. They are intended to provide a "level playing field" for those interested in comparing their performance to others or to themselves over multiple attempts. Each rider should determine for themselves when it is prudent to follow them based on their assessment of their ability and the conditions on the route. Riders who deviate from one or more of these rules should report the situation to [email protected] and may receive and asterix (*) beside their time.
Do not put yourself or others in danger in order to follow the rules. Your health and safety is your number one priority.
- A rider's time is the total elapsed time, including all stops, that it takes to complete the route.
- Fastest Known Time (FKT) riders must be registered on Trackleaders.
- RWGPS or Strava tracks will be used for route verification. Be prepared to provide a continuous track of your ride.
- It is your responsibility to ensure that you are following the most current version of the route.
- If you need to leave the route for any reason, you must return to your last location and continue on from there. The jury is known to be rigorous in the application of this rule.
- Note that registration on Trackleaders is for entertainment purposes only.
- If you are riding in the solo category, you should carry your own gear, food, water, tools, spare parts, etc.
- Solo riders may ride with others for short segments but must retain their independence in terms of resources.
- Drafting is not allowed, unless you are in the pairs category and it is your partner.
- If you are riding in the pairs category, you and your partner may share resources and you may draft each other.
- If you are riding in the pairs category, you and your partner should stay together for the duration of the ride.
- No "sag wagons" including leaving gear and retrieving it later by car. If you wish to leave gear you must mail or courier it to your home address.
- Services along the route are fair game; hotels and other accommodation available to all, restaurants, pubs and stores are all available for use.
- Goods and services are not to be pre-arranged, eg., no food or equipment drops, accommodation should be arranged after the ride has started.
- These rules apply to all riders aiming to have their time recorded.
By using the resources found on this site you agree to the following:
- This ride is not an official event, nor is it sanctioned in any way, there is no insurance. there is no entrance fee, and there is no prize for finishing.
- Riders are responsible for obtaining their own accident liability, accident and health insurance
- All riders are solely responsible for their own safety and security along the route.
- Anyone riding the route at anytime does so voluntarily.
- All riders are solely responsible for their own safety and security along the route including, but not limited to ensuring they carry sufficient nutrition and liquids and get adequate rest.
- There is no support. If you experience a mechanical issue, a physical injury or are simply too tired to continue you (and your partner if riding in a pair) are responsible for finding a solution.
- Riders must recognize that there are inherent risks in this undertaking including, but not limited to, falling off your bike, being struck by a vehicle, serious injury, including but not limited to strains and sprains, broken bones, concussion, lacerations, animal bites, paralysis and death may result.
- This route incorporates multi-use trails, off-road trails and on-road riding. All cyclists are responsible for their own safety, must use trails, streets and roads with caution and do so at their own risk.
- The route should be evaluated by each individual cyclist based on their level of experience and comfort level in cycling on trails and roads.
- It is the rider's responsibility to consider weather conditions, time of day, and any road obstacles when making their decisions to ride.
- This website and the associated Facebook page/Instagram account are only used as a meeting place and area for collaboration and information sharing. The Log Driver’s Waltz website and any and all others involved in the development of these routes do not assume any liability whatsoever for cyclists using this information and travelling upon these routes.
- You agree not to assert liability or bring any causes of action against anyone associated with the promotion of the LDW by way of legal action for negligence or otherwise for any incident(s) experienced while following anyLDW route. You agree that you engage in this activity voluntarily and alone assume all the risk.
If you enjoyed the Log Driver's Waltz or our other routes, please consider helping us cover the costs of developing and maintaining the route files and website. Thanks!
Please tell your friends all about your experience on the Log Driver's Waltz and encourage them to try it! Thanks!